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En Clave de Podcast

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Welcome to En clave de podcast. 

Aug 29, 2016

En este episodio, conocemos a María Santonja, podcaster y especialista en online marketing.

Forma parte del duo que presenta Fans Fiction. Lo puedes escuchar aquí:

La primera conversación, con María

- Hablamos con ella de cómo y por qué empezó a hacer podcasting y de como ha evolucionado el mundillo.

- Nos cuenta cómo nación FanFiction y por qué se realiza en temporadas, por qué decidió hacer un podcast sobre gatos y cómo, casi sin darse cuenta, está produciendo un podcast sobre educación Educación respetuosa.

-  María nos cuenta cómo se está preparando lanzar una red de podcasts y nos comenta cómo se están empezando a usar los podcasts como herramienta de marketing y sus propias estrategias para ganar de audiencia.

- Si quieres escuchar a o conectar con María:

Fans Fiction, podcast de humor, cine y series - con Richie Fintano

Gaturris, el podcast sobre gatos

María en Twitter

María recomienda:

- Nación podcaster (of course!) (Episodio con Sunne de Nación podcaster)
- No es asunto vuestro
- El gran apagón
- Perros, gatos y bichos raros
- Muchos morros


Post-interview Discussion

Pilar: Despite the fact that the level of podcast branding, sponsorship and marketing is not at the level of the US yet, there is a wonderful community of podcasters in Spain that is very active and enthusiastic.

In many cases, podcasting is becoming a marketing tool in the UK and podcasters are not hanging out together as much as they seem to be in Spain.

There is a lot of information on in the internet in English, and perhaps there isn’t so much need for such a tightly-knit podcasting community that gives support in the UK.

Podcasting as an art form and hobby lends itself to building a stronger community.

Craig: The strong sense of community and friends ‘doing things together’ in Spain helps build a close relationship between podcasters.

It’s a very special time for Spanish podcasting at the moment, but that may change in the near future when companies begin using podcasts for promotion, advertising and monetization.

When money becomes more prevalent in podcasting in the future, it may cause it to fragment and lose some of the close community feel it has now.

Pilar: There is a such a wide variety of podcasts in Spanish.

Craig: Twitter is the main social media platform used by podcasters in Spain.

It’s interesting that Maria said that advertisers in Spain are more likely to invest money in a physical leaflet or some other form of advertising rather than pay for podcast ads.

A reason potential advertisers often give for not buying podcast ads is the fact that it’s difficult to measure their effectiveness, however it’s also extremely difficult to measure the results of advertising in traditional media such as print, TV and radio.

Pilar: Podcast advertising is more long term than traditional advertising. Podcast listeners have a very close relationship with the host, therefore podcast ads are more effective than TV ads, for example.

Craig: People don’t notice TV and radio ads and banner advertising anymore. Podcast ads are a lot more effective.

Pilar: Could podcasting perhaps go down the premium route? Extra material could be offered as extra, paid, content.

Craig: I thought our Patreon campaign wasn’t working because of the Spanish mindset of not wanting to donate money for something that may or may not happen. In the US people do donate money to support content creators. It’s good to see that in Spain Patreon is working for podcasters like Maria who create bonus content and connect with the audience on a personal level.

Pilar: Patreon is more effective when you work out what the audience actually wants. This obviously varies from podcast to podcast.

Patreon gives the audience an opportunity to do something for you.

Craig: It seems that there is money to be made in producing podcasts for people who do not have the technical knowledge, or do not have the time to deal with the ‘back end’ of podcasting.

Pilar: In the UK, podcast producers are not necessary podcasters themselves.

Craig: You need to me more than a sound engineer to produce a podcast for someone. You also need to know about marketing, social media, content structure etc.

Pilar: I like to do my own editing because it brings me back in touch with the content.

Craig: Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be many female podcasters in Spain. In the US the number of female podcasters is growing.

escaleta = a step outline. A list of scenes that make up a story.

mecenas = patrons

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